Ref. Note | | 2018 | Of which related party transactions | 2017 | Of which related party transactions | Change |
1 | Revenue from sales and services | 2,836,890 | | 2,669,876 | | 167,015 |
2 | Other revenue and proceeds | 191,597 | | 127,107 | | 64,490 |
| Consolidated net revenue | 3,028,487 | 127,314 | 2,796,983 | 104,081 | 231,504 |
3 | Personnel costs | 219,624 | | 215,231 | | 4,392 |
4 | Costs of materials and overheads | 1,918,936 | | 1,768,621 | | 150,315 |
| Consolidated Operating Costs | 2,138,560 | 47,225 | 1,983,853 | 50,023 | 154,707 |
5 | Income/(Costs) from equity investments of a non-financial nature | 43,320 | | 26,864 | | 16,456 |
| Gross Operating Profit | 933,247 | 80,088 | 839,994 | 54,058 | 93,253 |
6 | Amortisation, depreciation, provisions and impairment charges | 454,687 | | 480,102 | | (25,415) |
| Operating profit/(loss) | 478,560 | 80,088 | 359,892 | 54,058 | 118,668 |
7 | Financial income | 17,838 | 13,303 | 17,379 | 8,147 | 459 |
8 | Financial costs | (100,697) | | (89,334) | | (11,363) |
9 | Income/(Costs) from equity investments | 13,332 | | 259 | | 13,073 |
| Profit/(loss) before tax | 409,033 | 93,391 | 288,196 | 62,205 | 120,837 |
10 | Taxes | 124,334 | | 95,992 | | 28,341 |
| Net result | 284,699 | 93,391 | 192,203 | 62,205 | 92,496 |
| Net profit/(loss) from Discontinued Operations | | | | | |
| Net result | 284,699 | 93,391 | 192,203 | 62,205 | 92,496 |
| Profit/(loss) attributable to minority interests | 13,700 | | 11,521 | | 2,179 |
| Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group | 270,999 | | 180,682 | | 90,317 |
11 | Earnings (loss) per share attributable to Parent Company's shareholders | | | | | |
| Basic | 1.27250 | | 0.84841 | | 0.42409 |
| Diluted | 1.27250 | | 0.84841 | | 0.42409 |
| Earnings (loss) per share attributable to Parent Company's shareholders, net of Treasury Shares | | | | | |
| Basic | 1.27500 | | 0.85008 | | 0.42492 |
| Diluted | 1.27500 | | 0.85008 | | 0.42492 |