Water Regulation

The year 2018 was marked by the entry into force of several ARERA provisions (issued in the course of the year 2017) that significantly changed the regulatory framework with regard to the following aspects: redefinition of the tariff structure, launch of the social water bonus for utilities in conditions of economic hardship, start of the application of the regulation of technical quality, consumer protection.

At the end of 2017, with resolution 918/2017/R/idr the measures concerning the two-year update of the tariff provisions for the two-year period 2018-2019 were also issued (two-year period ending the second regulatory period 2016-2019). The same resolution also provides for the quantification from 1 January 2018 of the UI2 equalisation tariff component (Technical Quality) and the introduction of the UI3 equalisation tariff component (Social Water Bonus).

The framework relating to the measures to contain arrears in the IWS is yet to be defined, for which DCO 80/2018 of February 2018 was issued and the final provision is currently pending.